The following is taken from The Mathematical Association of America:Its First Fifty Years, Kenneth O. May, editor, 1972, page 93.


There is no account in the Monthly of the first meeting of this Section, but the second annual meeting is recorded as taking place in March 1925 at Hotel Edward in Jackson, with about 200 in attendance at the Friday evening session. The Chairman for 1924-25 was Β . M . Walker, who was serving as President of Mississippi A and Μ College at the time of the meeting. The account does not specify the Friday evening speaker but the complete list of papers suggests that it might have been Professor F. R. Moulton of Chicago who gave an illustrated lecture on "Other worlds than ours," [MONTHLY 33 , 242-243]. During the years the Section has met with the Louisiana-Mississippi branch of the NCTM. There have been guest speakers from outside the Section from time to time. In March 1940 W. B. Carver gave two talks. President E. E. Moise was the guest lecturer in 1966.

Section Meeting List

(Created by Past Section Chair Judith Covington)